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Thursday, January 29, 2009

ITM Midi Lab for DJs

The folks over at iTouchMidi have created wireless touchpad convenience (and novelty) to various applications, namely Serato Scratch Live as well as other digital DJ programs. Interfacing with your iPhone or iPod, the ITM Midi Lab applications include keyboard, sampling, audio filters and effects, and visual (for VJs) manipulation. The ITM DJ application was created as a digital controller with faders, gain knob, headphone, 4 Eqs, 4 Fx, loop and sync buttons, and track control buttons.

But what we were really interested in, was how DJs were using the ITM Matrix with Serato. It's basically a 4 X 4 sample bank that allows you to quickly access and trigger samples. Below, is a cool way for scratch DJs to use it. Check it out:

Here is an example of using the matrix for quick sampling and remixing:


Anonymous,  January 30, 2009  

Interesting- I tried getting my iphone to work with it, but had some problems. Anyone have any tips??

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